Positively! Green tea facial coverings can be useful for the skin because of the cell reinforcements and calming properties present in green tea. Here is a straightforward recipe:Fixings:1 tablespoon of green tea powder or free green tea leaves1 tablespoon of honey1 teaspoon of lemon juice (discretionary)Directions:Blend some green tea and let it cool down to room temperature.Blend the green tea in with honey until it frames a glue.Alternatively, add lemon juice for additional brilliance and astringent properties.Apply the blend to your perfect face and leave it on for around 15-20 minutes.Flush off with tepid water and wipe off.Green tea can assist with lessening irritation, battle skin inflammation causing microbes, and give cell reinforcements that might assist with reviving the skin. In any case, consistently do a fix test prior to applying any new blend to your face to guarantee you don’t have a hypersensitive response.